What are Alerty Agents?

Alerty Agents are specialized tools that help you automate common development tasks like testing, performance monitoring, and data analysis. They’re designed to integrate with your existing workflow, providing insights without adding unnecessary complexity.

Available Agents

We currently offer four types of agents:

  1. Focus Group Agent: Simulates user interactions to catch UX issues.
  2. Frontend Test Agent: Automates UI testing to catch bugs before your users do.
  3. Data Analysis Agent: Runs and analyzes database queries to help you optimize performance.
  4. Database Performance Agent: Monitors database metrics and suggests optimizations.

How Agents Fit into Your Dev Workflow

Alerty Agents aren’t meant to replace your existing tools or processes. Instead, they’re designed to complement them:

  • Automate Repetitive Tasks: Instead of manually running the same tests or queries repeatedly, set up an agent to do it for you.
  • Early Warning System: Agents can often catch issues before they become critical, giving you time to fix problems before they impact users.
  • Performance Insights: Get practical suggestions for improving your app’s performance, based on real data from your systems.

Integration with Alerty’s Core Features

Alerty Agents work alongside our main monitoring tools:

  • Unified Dashboard: All agent results appear in your main Alerty dashboard. No need to jump between different tools.
  • Alerting: Set up alerts based on agent results, just like you would with any other metric in Alerty.
  • Historical Data: Agent results are stored, so you can track changes over time and correlate them with other events in your system.

Getting Started

To start using an agent:

  1. Go to the Agents section in your Alerty dashboard
  2. Pick the agent you want to use
  3. Configure it for your specific use case
  4. Run it manually or set up a schedule

Check out each agent’s docs page for detailed setup instructions and examples of how other devs are using them.

Remember, these agents are tools to help you, they’re most effective when you use their results as a starting point for your own investigation and optimization work.